I wonder what would happen if i put my finger in a pencil sharpener

The Crew


Jack >:3-


pretty kewl dude overall. Plays bass and is a HUGE poser(lmao) basically the 'cool kid' or the Dave Strider of the three. He mains dynamo roller and is in charge of frontline and defensive positions in our splatoon team (PsyXXedelics). His interests are VERY easy to pinpoint(hes very open abt everything);hes an avid Ranfren reader and enjoys metal and thrash music of any kind, especially Oingo Boingo, He also plays games sometimes and is a huge airsoft geek.


They/Them(preferred), She/Her

Super silly, and I mean EXTREMELY silly, the silliness just never stops with this one. She has probably the kewlest room imaginable,like seriously awesome stuff there. They main e-liter and is basically the sub-leader of our Splatoon team, The PsyXXedelics(PsX). Theyre also in literally EVERY fandom ever; she just cant stop gaining new interests left and right.

Logan ^w^-

Any Pronouns

The author of this webpage. Im the leader of The PsyXXedelics, which is our casual splatoon team;I main painbrush and serve as a frontline/wild card. I have an interest in 1960s culture along with '20s prohibition era mobsters. I collect vynil from artists of varying genres and have a knack for AWESOME WEBCOMICS like Homestuck. I also like to program computers but I am notoriously awful at it. I also play video games sometimes (specifically splatoon)